Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Stuff I'm thankful for...

Well, it's close to Thanksgiving, at least here in the US. I know up in America's Hat, you've already celebrated the holiday. But heres something I'm thankful for: my dog. Specifically, my dog Maxine. She's the one who just cost us enough to pay for a used car. I took her to the vet again today, and she looks like we're going to survive.

How affluent are we in the US? So affluent that our vet wouldn't even consider that we wouldn't want to pay so much to save the dog. There was no question. And, we were able to pay it without going broke. Is it right to spend that much on a dog? Probably not, but once we already owed it, we had no choice.

Anyway, the point is I'm thankful that our dog is OK. And I thankful that we're so blessed that we can afford an occasional outrageous bill...


Cap said...

I'm thankful I found RichardJ's blog so I can renew my harassment of him. I'm sure there was a large hole in his life ever since I moved back East!
P.S. Toupee is still winning 3-2 on my blog. Better get your wife over there to vote. If it ends in a tie, it goes to the supreme court to decide. I hear Scalia is very 'anti-toup'.

Richard J said...

Yeah, but I think Scalia's like 5'2". I'd hurt him in a fight.

Besides, Roberts, Thomas, and Alito are well-known toup's rights defenders. And I figure I could get the 3 toup wearers on the court (Stevens, Kennedy, and Ginsburg) to go my way. Although I'm not sure Ginsburg goes my way...