Saturday, November 3, 2007

NFTW #006 is here! Oh the Joy!!

The long national nightmare is over...finally a new podcast! Here are the joys contained therein:

  1. I can't help myself. I've got to start talking about the presidential race. Can Christians vote for non-Christians? What about Mormons?!?!?!?
  2. Something hit me when I was reading through Matthew--Jesus ministered to whoever He came in contact with. He called all sorts of people to be the 12 disciples. I wonder what that says about God?
I think it's kinda thought-provoking. Listen to it here.


Cap said...

I listened to this..couple comments:

1. You sound very relaxed, where's the tense Richard I remember? ;).
2. Do you play the music yourself or do you have your own band like Leno and Letterman?

Seriously, It was interesting and I tried to tell my mother the exact same point about Guiliani.
Re. Romney...I wouldn't 'not' vote for him because he's Mormon, I wouldn't vote for him because he just comes off as a slick, phoney. Though one athiest women in my office had a great line about Romney's mormonism, "I couldn't vote for someone dumb enough to fall for that".

Lastly, you didn't mention MY candidacy ;)

Richard J said...

OK here's the deal:
1. I'm not relaxed. I'm heavily medicated because of the kids.
2. My office is a converted 2nd kitchen. Way too small for a band. But, all my music is podast-safe, so I can't be sued by aggresive record companies.
3. Wouldn't it be ironic if Christians supported a 3rd party candidate, and Hillary was elected with 43% of the vote, just like Bill? How beautiful...
4. Rest assured, when the time comes, I will be out front of the Carey '08 campaign...

Michelle said...

Maybe Cap could be the third party candidate?????

I can't download podcasts... :( I need to figure out free wireless in the cafe's around town and see if that is a way to download stuff like this......

Richard J said...

Michelle--Just say the word, and I'll send them out on CD...

Anonymous said...

If Cap runs for president and Richard for vp the kids and I are moving to Mexico!