Tuesday, August 5, 2008

I hope President Bush enjoys the Olympics...

President Bush will be in Beijing this week to take in the opening ceremonies for the Olympic Games. Some Chinese Christians won't be able to attend, however. This article tells of Zhang Mingxuan, a house church pastor who has been kicked out of Beijing, just in case he planned to start any trouble. He and his wife have been "relocated" so they can't meet with any foreign leaders.

The article also talks about how much the harassment of Chinese Christians has increased in the days leading up to the Olympics.

Bush actually had a meeting set up with Zhang, back when he visited China in 2005. But Zhang was detained before he could meet with our president. Bush's reaction to Zhang being arrested because he might say something negative (but true) about China's religious oppression?

Nothing. Bush didn't say one word about this shocking arrest, as far as I can find. But he did enjoy a nice service at a state-approved church in Beijing. He's scheduled to go to another service at one of the registered churches while he's there for the Olympics.

I've expressed on several occasions how disappointed I am by our president, so I won't go into it again. I'll just ask you to pray for our Chinese brothers and sisters. they need God's strength to stay true in difficult circumstances. And pray for our president too. He needs some serious eye-opening and courage...


Michelle said...

Have you seen the photos of the athletes arriving wearing MASKS! Good grief! And have you heard about the fake ticket scandal? I don't know if the Olympics are just going downhill or if we are just getting more information about what the modern day games are about because of blogging/twitter, etc....It's interesting.

Richard J said...

I know there's more information out there than ever before, but China has a whole set of unique problems. They really are about the worst Olympic hosts since Berlin in '36...