Sunday, August 17, 2008

Quick thoughts on the Lakeland Revival and Todd Bentley...

I've been pretty quiet on the whole thing that's been going on in Lakeland, Florida. Mostly that's because listening to both the pro- and anti- Lakeland Revival camps have made me think more deeply about how we treat believers we have disagreements with.

But it seems now that Todd Bentley, the evangelist who has been at the center of these events, is having some marital difficulties. (Scroll about halfway the linked page to see the letter from the board of directors.)

There is a larger issue about the whole Lakeland Revival thing that I won't address now. But it is pretty safe to say that Bentley is a polarizing figure in the body of Christ. Some people have claimed that he has a powerful annointing from God. Others think he's literally doing the work of the devil, deceiving the people of God.

Here's my quick thought for now: whatever your view of Bentley and the Lakeland events, it's clear that he and his family are going through a horrible time. I believe he and his wife have kids, and all of them will be hurt by divorce. Can we please, for once, come together in love and pray for and support a brother and sister who are hurting? Is there any chance we can use this as an opportunity to heal hurting believers, instead of using it as an excuse to blast Bentley?

I mean, I thought Jesus said the world would know we were believers by our love for each other, not by our ability to kick another believer when he's down...


Heidi W said...

I really like what you have to say here. Can we lay the differences aside and pray for our brother and sister?

And your kids are adorable!!! :)

A voice said...

Richard, I also appreciate your point of view. The feeding frenzy of those who expose heresy and error disturbs me.

Richard J said...

Heidi--I couldn't agree with you more. My kids ARE adorable!

Oh, and I agree about the thing with the Bentleys too...but mostly about my kids. ;-)

Voice--I'm really torn. I understand that we've got to contend for the faith. But I don't get the anger and the feeding frenzy. (What a great term for what's going on.)

I don't see the truth being spoken in love, and I think that's what bothers me most...