Thursday, January 3, 2008

Huckabee in '08???

I need to apologize. Not just to you, my blog-tastic friends. But to this great country of ours. Why must I apologize? Well, I am an evangelical Christian, a recovering Southern Baptist. So I need to apologize for what my well-intentioned brothers and sisters in Iowa have done tonight. They were largely responsible for making sure Mike Huckabee won the Iowa caucus.

I believe they were bamboozled by the good reverend. You can hardly blame him. He sounds like a conservative. He says he's against abortion, embryonic stem cell research, and gay marriage. And he says he's for lower taxes, school choice, stricter immigration laws, and gun rights. What's not to love?

The problem is that the good reverend has the right talk, but his actions reveal a totally different person with very different values. According to this article, he's taken money from businesses that endorse call embryonic stem cell research "essential" in curing disease. He also took $13,000 to speak to a group that advocates the expanded use of the "morning after" pill. He pocketed another $4,000 to speak to a group that wants to expand health care coverage to illegal immigrants.

Speaking of illegal immigration on that front as governor of Arkansas the good reverend proved to be a good friend for those who want to come here illegally. See reports here and here for details. No matter what he's saying now about immigration (and his current plan is still amnesty for illegal aliens), his past record says he's an open-borders guy, just like the current president.

Then there's school choice. He had the support of a lot of homeschool families in Iowa, but he signed some of the most restrictive laws in the country regarding homeschooling in Arkansas. He has even picked up the endorsement of the New Hampshire chapter of the National Education Association (they're an ultra-liberal teachers' union.) As governor, he partnered with a branch of the United Nations to bring "international standards" to several schools in Arkansas. (Read the story here. It's too long for me to go into in detail.) He's no conservative on education, and no friend of homeschoolers.

This post is running way long, so I won't even go into detail about how he raised taxes, or let rapists and murderers out of jail early, or how he's clueless when it comes to foreign policy. I also won't go into how disgusting I find his attacks on Mitt Romney and his faith. Or his hypocrisy on the WGA strike.

To sum up, Huckabee is a fake conservative, and he's playing conservative Christians for the suckers we sometimes are.

And I, as a conservative Christian, just want to apologize...


Michelle said...

This is all VERRRRRRRRRRRRY interesting. Keep up the good post....

Karen said...

This was good and I'd like to link to it if it's okay. I just did a Huckabee post yesterday looking for anti-Huckabites to share specific reasons why they don't like him. May I link?

Richard J said...

Karen--Link away! BTW, welcome back...

Cindy said...

I'm a Christian and I agree wholeheartedly with your post on Huckabee. . . amen...

Richard J said...

JAB--Thanks for coming by, and thanks especially for showing the class and intelligence to agree with me. You're obviously a person of superior grace and upbringing...