Friday, January 11, 2008

All new episodes coming soon!!!

In response to my friend Cap's post about my whereabouts the last week or so, there are 2 simple reasons why I haven't been around. (They are not nearly so interesting as Cap's reason, but that's the way it goes.)

Reason 1: I've been swamped with a work project that sapped most of my time and energy for several days.

Reason 2: I caught a nasty virus last week that I had trouble getting rid of. The doctor called it the Huckabee virus. He said it comes on strong, then fades quickly because it has no true core. Then it tries to take out more conservative organisms. Its ultimate goal is to become vice-virus on the ticket with a really pernicious liberal virus from Arizona. But I think I'm over it now. I just hope it doesn't become an epidemic.

Back shortly with more fun and hilarity...


Cap said...

Did 'they' make you write this?

Richard J said...

I an't answer you until I get my special foil-lined hat. Otherwise, they read my thoughts...

Band Nanny said...

I thought I would just stop by to say hi.

Richard J said...

BN--Welcome! Come by any time you like...