Saturday, October 25, 2008

NFTW #019--How Christians use their money; Your false beliefs may be dragging you down!

Christians have an opportunity to end a lot of suffering in the world. But we'll have to change the way we use our money. Will we do it?

Also, do you have false beliefs that get between you and God?

Listen to the podcast here:

Or right-click here to download!

Here is the ABP article I quote from...


Michelle said...

Due to the inclement weather in Philadelphia I took the time to have a listen! Great thoughts. I could write a book on Christians wasting money on things our churches or ministries don't need. We need to invest in lives and people. I think also that people would be more inclined to give if they were truly searching God's heart in scripture. I don't think a lot of churches teach about giving and look at raising money for buildings and ministry as fund raising in a secular way or from a business point of view. If I see one more brochure on a conference that features business techniques and skills for ministries and churches I will scream and you will hear me from Kyiv.....

Richard J said...

Michelle--It drives me crazy too. A day or two ago I heard an ad on a Christian radio station for a seminar some financial planning outfit was giving for "church leaders." One of the topics was something like, "How can you get people to support your building program during a recession?"

Because of course, the most important thing to fund during a recession is the building program. You've got to cut the unnecessary programs, like food and shelter for the needy...